How to Build a PHP Developer Website

To build a php developer website you need the right tools and resources. The php platform is what your site will be built on, so it's important to have php installed on your computer. This can be done by visiting and downloading their newest release for your operating system (OS). For this tutorial we will use PHP 5.6 as an example of installation instructions for Windows 7 users; but if you are using another OS or different version of php, these steps should still apply with only minor changes in wording or configuration options seen during the process.

A php developer website is going to mainly focus on php to make php websites. So, your website should have php installed on it by default with a php development environment ready for use when building php-based sites and applications.

After installing the latest version of PHP you need to install Apache or NGINX if they are not already there as well as MySQL (or MariaDB) database server where data is stored in tables that can be queried using SQL statements(database language). To get everything up and running:

Installing MySQL;

Creating a new MYSQL user account;

Granting privileges to newly created user account; Adding this new user to Prefix's 'root' group so he/she has all necessary permissions over databases when working with them locally.

Other way that a php developer website is going to work is by php scripts. To make php websites, you need to learn php scripting language and how it works. There are many tutorials on the internet that can teach you php programming, but some of the best ones I've seen have been from Codeacademy:

Learn PHP-One Hour;

PHP for Beginners - Learn SQL Programming Language & MySQL Database Management System;

Build a Website with WordPress in 2019 - Step by Step Guide.

The next step is installing phpMyAdmin which will enable you to create new databases as well as edit existing ones too using your web browser without having to log into mysql directly (which could be considered more secure). Make sure all queries return data when running them! You should also install WP Super Cache.

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